OVC Diagnostic Imaging
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Radiographic Anatomy Resources

Iowa State Large Animal Limb Anatomy

Created by our own Alex zur Linden during his residency this free online resource is a vital source for the normal radiographic appearance of equine and bovine limbs.

University of Illinois Imaging Anatomy

A great free anatomic reference for the normal anatomy of dogs, cats, horses, cows, and dental radiographs. This resource is a must see for veterinary students and veterinary practitioners looking for an anatomy refresher.

Imaios Veterinary Anatomy

A great free and paid resource for CT and MRI anatomy with some general anatomic and radiographic anatomy resources. Focuses on dogs with some additional resources for many other species.

Oregon State Radiology Anatomy App

A free resource accessed by login created by the radiologist Dr. Sarah Nemenic. This fantastic reference is a favourite of some of our residents and past students for reference in the clinic.

Case Based Resources

zur Linden Radiology – Instagram

These brilliant cases are updated by our own Alex zur Linden and are a great resource for students or veterinarians looking for case based examples. Keep up with Alex’s online content and boost your radiographic diagnostic skills.

Obi Veterinary Education – The Reading Room

These cases are put together by our own Ryan Appleby and contain a variety of clinically relevant companion animal content. Hosted on YouTube the Cases are available for all to review.

Veterinary Radiology MIRC

Cases curated by Adrien Maxence-Hespel, a radiologist from the University of Tennessee. A fantastic array of cases from all species.

Veterinary Radiology

Dr. Allison Zwingenberger is a U of G alumus and Radiologist at UC Davis. Her online resource of case based radiographic studies is one of the first and still the best online. If you have a spare 10 minutes, check out her cases today.


VetGirl on the Run

Justine Lee is one of the best veterinary podcasters out there. Do not miss her engaging content covering important topics in veterinary medicine, reviews of recent literature and interviews with great guests. If you only have one podcast slot to fill VetGirl is the one for you.

Veterinary Viewfinder

Dr. Ernie Ward has a great podcast with a wide range of veterinary topics. Always an engaging listen, give his show a try today.

The Vet Vault

Gerardo and Hubert are on a mission to unstitch the veterinary profession and all of it’s quirks in this provoking, stimulating and entertaining podcast. Not sure where to start? Check out these episodes from OVCs own Alice Defarges (1 & 2)

The Veterinary Project

A show made by vets, featuring absolutely no pets!

The Veterinary Project Podcast sheds no hair, just light, on the areas of life that we believe the veterinary community should have a pulse on.